Content is King- How Quality Content Raises your Status
Local Fare Magazine is your direct line to 70,000 households in the Chattanooga area, providing specialized content designed to elevate your brand.
Direct Mail that Delivers
Local Fare has earned the trust of its community, evolved to stay relevant in an ever-changing market, and elevated the brands of over 1,000 local small businesses.
Put Print Media to Work for You
Local Fare believes the key to a successful marketing strategy is a mix of digital, social, and print media. While you may be tempted to forgo print media, believing the “print is a dying medium” hype, research shows consumers still find print media to be more memorable, trustworthy, and engaging than digital media. Here are 3 reasons print media is still making a big impact.
The Marketing Triangle: Small Business Advertising That WORKS
When we talk to local businesses about their advertising strategies, more often than not we hear the same answer — Facebook boosted posts.
Where…Your Business Gets Noticed.
In June and July, we answered the call from locals for places to get out and have fun post-quarantine in Where…Locals Play.